S17E03 | Alf Wilkins (Grimsby, Lincolnshire, 2001)
In February 2001, 67-year-old Alf Wilkins was killed in a fire deliberately set inside his Grimsby flat. But this wasn’t a random act of violence - it was the culmination of months of torment at the hands of his own neighbours.
Despite being acquitted of an indecent assault charge in November 2000, Alf remained a target. The locals refused to believe his innocence, fueled by the hysteria of the News of the World's infamous 'name-and-shame' campaign. Branded as something he was not, Alf was harassed, threatened, and ultimately, his life was taken in an act of brutal, misplaced vigilante justice.
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Intro music:
David John Brady - 'Throw Down the Gauntlet'
The case discussed in this podcast episode is real and represents the worst day in many people's lives. I aim to cover such stories with a victim-focused approach, using information from publicly available sources. While I strive for accuracy, some details may vary depending on the sources used. You can find the sources for each episode on my website. Due to the nature of the content, listener discretion is advised. Thank you for your understanding and support.
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Four are quizzed on blaze death. (2001, February 12). Wolverhampton Express and Star, 15.
FOUR QUIZZED OVER FIRE DEATH. (2001, February 12). Northamptonshire Evening Telegraph, 42.
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Judges reject murder appeals. (2003, February 14). Wolverhampton Express and Star, 23.
Lister, D. (2002, February 22). Newspaper campaign led to series of attacks on innocent people. The Independent. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/media/newspaper-campaign-led-to-series-of-attacks-on-innocent-people-9225018.html
Miscarriage compensation test case succeeds as other claimants fail. (2013, January 25). Garden Court North Chambers. Retrieved March 17, 2025, from https://gcnchambers.co.uk/miscarriage-compensation-test-case-succeeds-as-other-claimants-fail/
Murder charge. (2001, February 13). Aberdeen Press and Journal, 1.
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Second arson charge. (2001, February 15). Northamptonshire Evening Telegraph, 4.
Second man guilty. (2002, February 21). Aberdeen Press and Journal, 12.
Self-styled vigilantes get life for murder. (2002, March 22). Aberdeen Evening Express, 7.
Sex case man dies in flames. (2001, February 10). Wolverhampton Express and Star, 1.
The Court of Appeal Criminal Division. (2009). Review of the Legal Year 2008 / 2009. Retrieved March 17, 2025, from https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/uploads/JCO/Documents/Reports/Criminal+Div+Review+of+legal+year+2008-2009.pdf
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Vigilantes receive life terms. (2002, March 23). Scarborough Evening News, 8.
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