Dr Amanda Brown Interview | Prison Doctor and Bestselling Author

In this episode of British Murders, I welcome Dr Amanda Brown to the show.
Dr Brown used to be a general practitioner with a comfortable, suburban practice before changing direction and working with prisoners.
She has worked as a doctor in a teenage detention centre as well as Wormwood Scrubs and currently works at Bronzefield, the largest women-only prison in Europe.
She has previously written two books about her time as a prison doctor, 2019's 'The Prison Doctor' and 2020's 'The Prison Doctor: Women Inside'.
Dr Brown's third book 'The Prison Doctor: The Final Sentence', released on March 17, 2022, is available to purchase here:
The Prison Doctor: The Final Sentence – HarperCollins Publishers UK
Intro music:
David John Brady - 'Throw Down the Gauntlet'
My recording equipment:
Shure SM7B Vocal Microphone: https://amzn.to/3F1Jkkj
Cloud Microphone Cloudlifter CL1: https://amzn.to/2XZicC8
Focusrite Scarlett Solo USB Audio Interface: https://amzn.to/3kKCLL2
Rode PSA-1 Professional Studio Boom Arm: https://amzn.to/3zHJOs8
Recorded using:
Edited in:
Mastered in:

Dr Amanda Brown
Prison Doctor / Author
Dr Brown used to be a general practitioner with a comfortable, suburban practice before changing direction and working with prisoners.
She has worked as a doctor in a teenage detention centre as well as Wormwood Scrubs and currently works at Bronzefield, the largest women-only prison in Europe.
She has written three books about her time as a prison doctor - 2019's 'The Prison Doctor', 2020's 'The Prison Doctor: Women Inside' and 2022's 'The Prison Doctor: The Final Sentence'.