Best of 2023: Interviews (Part 1)

As we approach the end of 2023, I wanted to revisit some of the most memorable moments from the 27 interviews I've conducted this year.
This bonus episode is split into two parts. Part 1 features clips from interviews #21 to #33, and part 2 features clips from interviews #34 to #47.
Link to Part 2:
Timestamps (Part 1):
[00:00] Introduction
[02:53] Guest: Ray Fysh (Interview #21 - Jan 2, 2023)
Topic: "Adam" - the boy whose torso was found in the Thames
Full Episode:
[14:31] Guest: Jeremy Craddock (Interview #22 - Jan 16, 2023)
Topic: Researching and writing 'The Jigsaw Murders'
Full Episode:
[17:29] Guest: Sam Rennie (Interview #23 - Jan 30, 2023)
Topic: The different sides of anthropology and the oldest set of remains he's come across
Full Episode:
[22:45] Guest: Oliver Laurence (Interview #24 - Feb 13, 2023)
Topic: Crashing a car and the challenges of working in remote areas of Australia
Full Episode:
[27:21] Guest: Matt Calveley (Interview #25 - Feb 27, 2023)
Topic: Being bitten by an escaped monkey called "Clive"
Full Episode:
[31:17] Guest: Danni Brooke (Interview #26 - Mar 13, 2023)
Topic: The scariest undercover operation she's ever been on
Full Episode:
[34:22] Guest: Louise Shorter (Interview #27 - Mar 20, 2023)
Topic: Her opinion on case prosecution teams
Full Episode:
[38:39] Guest: David McKelvey (Interview #28 - Apr 10, 2023)
Topic: How the arrest of Darren Nicholls (The Essex Murders) came about
Full Episode:
[44:44] Guest: Dr Robert Green OBE, JP (Interview #29 - Apr 24, 2023)
Topic: Being unable to help further the development of a case
Full Episode:
[51:13] Guest: Sally-Anne Martyn (Interview #30 - May 1, 2023)
Topic: Realising she wanted to become a writer
Full Episode:
[55:50] Guest: Donal MacIntyre (Interview #31 - May 22, 2023)
Topic: Being kidnapped in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Full Episode:
[01:00:47] Guests: Matt Johnson and John Murray (Interview #32 - Jun 26, 2023)
Topic: The harrowing image of Yvonne Fletcher after she was fatally wounded by a shot fired from the Libyan embassy
Full Episode:
[01:06:48] Guest: John Williams (Interview #33 - Jul 3, 2023)
Topic: "The Cardiff Three" murder of Lynette White and being sued for libel
Full Episode:
[01:13:00] Outro
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Intro music:
David John Brady - 'Throw Down the Gauntlet'

Ray Fysh
Forensic Scientist
Ray began working for the Met Police in the 1970s when a forensic investigation was seen as little more than a geeky sideshow, existing only to confirm or eliminate evidence.
By the mid-90s, Ray and his team had made huge progress in their field, contributing to the UK becoming a world-leading innovator in forensic techniques. Ray was named Special Adviser (SA) to the Forensic Science Service.
As the SA, Ray worked alongside Senior Investigating Officers (SIOs) from day one of a case, directing his team to identify forensic opportunities and harvest case-cracking clues.

Matt Calveley
Former Police Officer
As a decorated officer on the police front line, Matt has seen it all.
With an astonishing career spanning three decades in the Metropolitan Police, Matt arrested over 1,000 criminals, covered a quarter of a million miles (by foot and on wheels), was injured over 30 times on duty and received numerous commendations.
He also received the Livia Award for Professionalism and Services to Justice award.

Jeremy Craddock
Journalist / Author
Jeremy began his career in journalism as a trainee reporter for his hometown newspaper, the weekly Westmorland Gazette.
Since then, he has worked on many newspapers across the north of England, done shifts on the nationals in Manchester, and written features for many magazines.
Jeremy is now a lecturer in multimedia journalism at Manchester Metropolitan University whilst occasionally working as a freelance writer.

Sam Rennie
Forensic Anthropologist
Sam is an academic with a background in biological and forensic anthropology.
He has experience working as a certified forensic anthropologist (FA-III) in the UK and as a search and recovery specialist in DVI (Disaster Victim Identification) incidents. He is also a member of the UK - DVI Forensic Anthropology Cadre.
Sam is currently the programme lead for BSc Forensic Biology at Bournemouth University and is a senior lecturer in Forensic Investigation.

Oliver Laurence
Security & Intelligence Investigator / Former Police Constable
Oliver spent over 12 years as a police officer in the Metropolitan Police, South Australia Police and Queensland Police Service.
Since retiring from the police, Oliver has achieved great things as a security and intelligence investigator, including receiving the UK Investigator of the Year award in 2019.
He is currently a managing partner of I-OnAsia, a global risk management company, and the host of 'Protect & Serve', a podcast that sees Oliver chat with various people in law enforcement.

Danni Brooke
Former Undercover Cop
For over a decade, Danni was one of the most effective female undercover cops in the UK, one of a minimal number of women in the Met’s elite unit. She was so successful at taking down criminals that she was seconded to forces around the country.
Whether infiltrating organized crime gangs or disrupting drug supply lines, Danni played the innocent Essex girl, fooling even the most suspicious villains, using her quick wits to keep her out of trouble. She loved the job, but the pressures of her work and trying to balance the long hours with being a mother, were to take a toll on her personal life.
Now retired as a police officer, Danni has enjoyed a successful television career and is booked as a keynote speaker for various corporate events.
Danni is also famed for her role as a Hunter on 'Hunted' and 'Celebrity Hunted' for Channel 4.

Louise Shorter
Investigative Reporter
Louise is a former producer/director of BBC TV's long-running miscarriage of justice investigative series 'Rough Justice'.
She founded 'Inside Justice' in 2010, a registered charity that has built a wholly unique advisory panel of world-renowned experts who work pro bono to strengthen the criminal justice system.

David McKelvey
Private Investigator / Former Detective Chief Inspector
David was formerly a Detective Chief Inspector in the Metropolitan Police with over 60 commendations, and in 2007, he formed TM Eye, one of the UK’s most active private investigation companies.

Dr Robert Green OBE, JP
Forensic Scientist
Bob worked for the Forensic Science Service (FSS) in research and service development before moving to the Home Office to become the head of science and technology in the Police and Crime Standards Directorate.
He was at the forefront of ensuring the most effective use of forensic science to combat crime and develop knowledge around applying forensic science and policing tools to support the investigation of violent and acquisitive crimes.
He is noted for developing and leading the national programme of cold case review – Operation Advance – and being a national and international speaker on developing DNA and other biometric databases.
For his services to forensic science, Bob was awarded an OBE in the Queen's Birthday Honours list of 2008.
Nowadays, Bob is a Reader in Forensic Science and Director of Student Engagement at the University of Kent for the School of Chemistry and Forensic Science.

Sally-Anne Martyn
Sally-Anne grew up in a small village just outside Sheffield and comes from a working-class background.
Her writing is inspired by those women who are constantly left on the sidelines and ignored.
Sally-Anne takes the underdog, allows her the freedom to do what she wants (good or bad) and sees where it takes her.
With a diet of 'Hammer House' and 'Tales of the Unexpected' as a child, along with a love for the ridiculous, it is no surprise that her books have chilling themes with a hint of dark humour.

Matt Johnson
Author / Retired Police Officer / Former Soldier
Matt served for twenty-five years, first as a soldier and then as an officer in the Metropolitan Police. Forced to retire due to PTSD while undergoing treatment, Matt was encouraged to write as part of his therapy. The result was his 2016 debut novel, 'Wicked Game', which was shortlisted for a Crime Writers’ Association Dagger Award. 'Deadly Game' and 'End Game' followed this. Matt’s fourth novel, 'Crow 27', was published in 2022. 'No Ordinary Day' is his first non-fiction book.

John Murray
Retired Police Officer
John is a retired police officer who worked closely with Yvonne Fletcher and held her as she lay dying. For 37 years, he has campaigned and fought resolutely to bring her killer to justice.

Donal MacIntyre
Investigative Journalist
Donal MacIntyre is an Irish investigative journalist specialising in investigations, undercover operations and television exposés. He has also been a presenter of television news and documentaries on various UK channels.

John Williams
John is an author who was born in Cardiff but now lives in London. He's written a dozen books ranging from his 'Cardiff Trilogy' of novels to biographies of characters as diverse as Michael X and Shirley Bassey.
His journalism has appeared everywhere, from the NME to the Financial Times. He co-organises the Laugharne Weekend festival in West Wales.