In June 2019, 23-year-old Neomi Smith spent what should have been a carefree night out in her hometown of Brechin, Angus. Loved by friends and family for her warm, vibrant personality, Neomi had her whole life ahead of her. B...
In 1952, Ash Vale railway station became the scene of a shocking and brutal crime. Geoffrey Charles Dean, a railwayman working the evening shift, was closing up for the day when he was stabbed in the back and left for …
When 47-year-old Tracey Woodford went out for a few drinks in April 2015, she could never have known it would be her final evening. A chance meeting in a Pontypridd pub led to her crossing paths with a local man …
On June 7, 1972, 14-year-old Judith Roberts left home on her bicycle and never returned. Her body was discovered later that evening, sparking a murder investigation that would grip the nation. In the years that followed, the ...
In December 1997, the streets of Blackpool were shaken by a gruesome discovery. The headless torso of Christopher Hartley was found discarded in the bins of a local hotel - a chilling and tragic end for the 17-year-old. As th...