S08E04 | Gordon Park | The Murder of Carol Park

In this episode, I tell the story of Gordon and Carol Park.
In July 1976, Gordon Park returned to his Leece home from a family trip to Blackpool with his three children to discover that his wife, Carol, was missing.
In August 1997, 21 years after she went missing, Carol Park's body was found by amateur divers in Coniston Water, a lake in the Lake District.
Gordon was arrested on suspicion of Carol's murder in that same month, but the charges were later dropped. However, he was re-arrested in January 2004 and found guilty of Carol's murder in January 2005.
In 2010, on his 66th birthday, Gordon Park took his own life. A posthumous appeal of his conviction was referred to the Court of Appeal in October 2018, but it was dismissed in May 2020.
This incredibly divisive case was referred to in the media as 'The Lady in the Lake trial'.
Intro music:
David John Brady - 'Throw Down the Gauntlet'
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