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British Murders with Stuart Blues

Bethan Trueman

Bethan Trueman Profile Photo

Podcaster / Author

Bethan is one half of the top true crime podcast Seeing Red. The podcast features discussions about true crime cases with co-host Mark, a new episode is released each week and the show has been running for several years.

'The New Millennium Serial Killer' is Bethan's first book.

Feb. 20, 2024

True Crime Podcasters Roundtable (February 2024)

I was recently asked to participate in the monthly True Crime Podcasters' Roundtable, hosted by Adam from the UK True Crime podcast with Mike from Murder Mile and Paul, the True Crime Enthusiast. Bethan from Seeing Red was al...
Dec. 28, 2023

Best of 2023: Interviews (Part 2)

As we approach the end of 2023, I wanted to revisit some of the most memorable moments from the 27 interviews I've conducted this year. This bonus episode is split into two parts. Part 1 features clips from interviews #21 to ...
July 24, 2023

Interview #35 | Examining the Crimes of Christopher Halliwell with Bethan Trueman and Chris Clark

I welcome Bethan Trueman and Chris Clark to the show in this interview episode to discuss their book 'The New Millennium Serial Killer: Examining the Crimes of Christopher Halliwell' . In the book, former police intelligence ...