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British Murders with Stuart Blues

Dr Sohom Das

Dr Sohom Das Profile Photo

Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist

Dr Das is a Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist who treats and rehabilitates mentally disordered offenders.

He is also an experienced expert witness who regularly provides evidence to criminal trials about defendants who have a range of mental illnesses. He assesses individuals in courts, in prisons and in special secure psychiatric units that are reserved for the most dangerous and violent mentally ill patients.

Dr Das has been featured in the media on daytime TV shows, news shows, documentaries and newspapers.

Dec. 26, 2024

Best of 2024: Interviews (Part 1)

As we approach the end of 2024, I wanted to revisit some of the most memorable moments from the 17 interviews I've conducted this year. This bonus episode is split into two parts. Part 1 features clips from interviews #48 to ...
Feb. 5, 2024

Interview #50 | In Two Minds: Dr Sohom Das Discusses His Career as a Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist

I welcome Dr Sohom Das to the show in this interview episode. Dr Das is a Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist who treats and rehabilitates mentally disordered offenders. He is also an experienced expert witness who regularly pro...
Guest: Dr Sohom Das