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British Murders with Stuart Blues

John Williams

John Williams Profile Photo


John is an author who was born in Cardiff but now lives in London. He's written a dozen books ranging from his 'Cardiff Trilogy' of novels to biographies of characters as diverse as Michael X and Shirley Bassey.

His journalism has appeared everywhere, from the NME to the Financial Times. He co-organises the Laugharne Weekend festival in West Wales.

Dec. 28, 2023

Best of 2023: Interviews (Part 1)

As we approach the end of 2023, I wanted to revisit some of the most memorable moments from the 27 interviews I've conducted this year. This bonus episode is split into two parts. Part 1 features clips from interviews #21 to ...
July 3, 2023

Interview #33 | The Lynette White Case: Author John Williams Reflects on His Career and the Story of 'The Cardiff Three'

I welcome Welsh author John Williams to the show in this interview episode to discuss his career and the Lynette White murder case. In 1994, John released 'Bloody Valentine', a non-fiction book about the murder of a young wom...
Guest: John Williams