S12E10 | The Murder of Jamie Lavis (Openshaw, Greater Manchester, 1997)

When young Jamie Lavis vanished from his family home, the community rallied in a search effort. Little did anyone, including the police, know that the man spearheading the search was, in fact, the perpetrator responsible for Jamie's fate.
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Intro music:
David John Brady - 'Throw Down the Gauntlet'
The case discussed in this podcast episode is real and represents the worst day in many people's lives. I aim to cover such stories with a victim-focused approach, using information from publicly available sources. While I strive for accuracy, some details may vary depending on the sources used. I list the sources used in each episode on my website. Due to the nature of the content, listener discretion is advised. Thank you for your understanding and support.
Arrest warrant issued for Jamie bus man. (1997, August 29). Manchester Metro News, 3.
Blood test on Jamie trail. (1997, May 29). Manchester Evening News, 17.
Body found near golf course. (1997, October 25). Huddersfield Daily Examiner, 7.
Burdett, J. (1998, June 18). Poignant words of love at farewell for Jamie. Manchester Evening News, 15.
Bus driver and family arrested in Jamie case. (1997, September 24). Birmingham Daily Post, 7.
Bus driver’s confession to court: “Yes, I killed Jamie.” (1999, May 13). Manchester Metro News, 1.
Busman’s clue to “Dodger.” (1997, May 28). Manchester Evening News, 15.
Cellmate tells of Vickers’ tearful confession to the murder of young Jamie. (1999, March 17). Stockport Express Advertiser, 9.
Child murder. (1997, November 26). Aberdeen Press and Journal, 18.
“Did you kill Jamie?” police ask bus driver. (1997, June 19). Birmingham Daily Post, 7.
Divers join the park hunt for Jamie’s body. (1997, June 27). Manchester Evening News, 2.
Elias, R. (1997, July 23). Driver in quiz over missing Jamie, 8. Liverpool Daily Post, 17.
Frame, D. (1997, May 13). Plea to artful dodger Jamie. Manchester Evening News, 4.
Frame, D. (1999, November 12). Killer’s ex-lover says “I can hold my head up now.” Manchester Evening News, 12.
Frame, D., & Marrow, I. (1997, June 18). Police asked if I killed Jamie, says busman. Manchester Evening News, 1.
“Grave” tip-off in Jamie hunt. (1997, June 28). Nottingham Evening Post, 8.
Haile, D. (1997, September 23). Six held in swoops by police hunting Jamie. Manchester Evening News, 2.
Hindley, C. (1997, November 28). Jamie murder charge man’s court protest. Stockport Express Advertiser, 10.
JAMIE AND A BUS TRIP TO “MURDER.” (1999, March 3). Stockport Express Advertiser, 1–2.
Jamie bus driver moves to wales. (1997, August 15). Manchester Metro News, 3.
JAMIE DEATH: MAN CHARGED. (1997, November 24). Manchester Evening News, 2.
Jamie police release six. (1997, September 26). Liverpool Echo, 4.
Jamie’s father denies murder. (1999, March 10). Stockport Express Advertiser, 9.
Jeffay, J. (1997a, May 16). Fear over safety of runaway. Manchester Metro News, 5.
Jeffay, J. (1997b, May 23). Divers in as fears grow for Jamie, 8. Manchester Metro News, 9.
Jeffay, J. (1997c, July 4). Search nears end - and no sign of Jamie. Manchester Metro News, 8.
Jeffay, J. (1997d, July 18). I KNOW WHERE JAMIE LIES. Manchester Metro News, 1.
Jury ready to decide in Jamie murder trial. (1999, April 21). Stockport Express Advertiser, 11.
Missing Jamie: Police to search new area. (1997, August 1). Manchester Metro News, 1.
Mulchrone, P. (1999, March 3). BUS DRIVER “LURED JAMIE TO HIS DEATH.” Daily Mirror, 18.
Mum’s plea to “Artful Dodger.” (1997, May 8). Manchester Evening News, 2.
Nott, A. (1997a, May 17). Rescuers in hunt for boy lost 12 days. Manchester Evening News, 11.
Nott, A. (1997b, June 23). Lookalike Nathan stars in TV appeal for Jamie. Manchester Evening News, 7.
Nott, A. (1997c, August 20). Jamie police on “body in river” alert. Manchester Evening News, 5.
Nott, A., & Taylor, P. (1997, June 27). Police hunt for body of lost Jamie. Manchester Evening News, 1.
Palmer, L. (1998a, March 13). BIRTHDAY FLOWERS. Manchester Metro News, 1.
Palmer, L. (1998b, June 5). Date set for tragic Jamie’s funeral. Manchester Evening News, 13.
Palmer, L. (1999a, January 28). THUGS WRECK JAMIE’S GRAVE. Manchester Metro News, 1.
Palmer, L. (1999b, February 4). RIP Jamie, as wellwisher donates £500 gravestone. Manchester Metro News, 3.
Palmer, L. (1999c, April 29). “Just a kind-hearted softy.” Manchester Metro News, 16.
Palmer, L. (1999d, May 20). I RETRACT MY CONFESSION. Manchester Metro News, 1.
Palmer, L. (1999e, June 17). £10,000 payout for Jamie. Manchester Metro News, 7.
Palmer, L. (1999f, July 8). Memorial to tragic Jamie. Manchester Metro News, 9.
Panter, S. (1997a, May 7). Jamie the dodger gives cops the slip. Manchester Evening News, 5.
Panter, S. (1997b, May 15). Police step up hunt as fears grow for Jamie. Manchester Evening News, 11.
Panter, S. (1997c, June 5). Missing Jamie’s mum admits after a month: Now I fear he is dead. Manchester Evening News, 10.
Panter, S. (1997d, June 16). Jamie hunt reward. Manchester Evening News, 1–2.
Panter, S. (1997e, June 20). Police swoop on home of Jamie’s bus driver. Manchester Evening News, 2.
Panter, S. (1997f, June 21). Busman in Jamie quiz “would not hurt a fly.” Manchester Evening News, 7.
Panter, S. (1997g, October 14). BUSMAN’S NEW QUIZ ON JAMIE. Manchester Evening News, 1.
Panter, S. (1997h, October 16). Accused busman to deny snatch of missing Jamie. Manchester Evening News, 2.
Panter, S. (1997i, October 25). JAMIE BODY FOUND. Manchester Evening News, 25.
Panter, S. (1999a, March 8). MY SHOCK, BY JAMIE’S MUM. Manchester Evening News, 1.
Panter, S. (1999b, March 9). JAMIE MUM DENIES “SECRET ROMANCE.” Manchester Evening News, 4.
Panter, S. (1999c, March 10). BOYS “RAN OFF FROM MAN IN JAMIE HUNT.” Manchester Evening News, 19.
Panter, S. (1999d, March 25). Vickers: I didn’t kill Jamie. Manchester Metro News, 15.
Panter, S. (1999e, April 24). Child sex secret. Manchester Evening News, 4.
Panter, S., & Burdett, J. (1999, April 23). JUDGE’S WORDS OF FURY FOR KILLER. . . “You are a depraved and cruel murderer.” Manchester Evening News, 2–3.
Police in search for missing boy. (1997, June 27). Bristol Evening Post, 2.
RAF “eye in sky” backs Jamie hunt. (1997, July 1). Manchester Evening News, 7.
Scheerhout, J. (1997, November 26). Police reveal Jamie details. Manchester Evening News, 5.
Scheerhout, J., & Tweed, L. (2023, February 16). Sick paedophile bus driver who killed Manchester schoolboy and then moved in with his family to stay in jail. Manchester Evening News. Retrieved March 4, 2024, from https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/sick-paedophile-bus-driver-who-26258825
“Second Bulger” fears for lost boy. (1997, June 17). Sandwell Evening Mail, 15.
Sharples, P. (1997, May 12). Plea as Jamie is spotted. Manchester Evening News, 2.
Slingsby, M. (1998, April 22). Jamie trial date. Manchester Evening News, 2.
Slingsby, M. (1999a, April 7). “Jamie alive days after he vanished.” Manchester Evening News, 15.
Slingsby, M. (1999b, April 13). Judge warns Jamie jury of emotions. Manchester Evening News, 17.