Feb. 13, 2025

S16E09 | Katie Rackliff (Farnborough, Hampshire, 1992)

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S16E09 | Katie Rackliff (Farnborough, Hampshire, 1992)

In June 1992, 18-year-old Katie Rackliff was heading home after a night out in Farnborough, Hampshire, when she was savagely attacked and murdered. The case sent shockwaves through the community, but as the years passed with no arrests, it seemed justice might never come.

Then, four years later, a shocking revelation turned the investigation on its head. The killer wasn’t just someone the police never suspected - they would go down in history as the UK’s youngest-ever female murderer.

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Intro music:⁣
David John Brady - 'Throw Down the Gauntlet'⁣

The case discussed in this podcast episode is real and represents the worst day in many people's lives. I aim to cover such stories with a victim-focused approach, using information from publicly available sources. While I strive for accuracy, some details may vary depending on the sources used. You can find the sources for each episode on my website. Due to the nature of the content, listener discretion is advised. Thank you for your understanding and support.

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