Oct. 6, 2022

S07E03 | Lee Anstice | The Murder of Tracy Anstice

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S07E03 | Lee Anstice | The Murder of Tracy Anstice

In the third episode of British Murders Season 7, I tell the story of Lee Anstice.


On August 26, 2011, Lee Anstice murdered his wife Tracy by stabbing her with a knife several times.


Lee was in and out of psychiatric care in the months leading up to the murder and would blame voices in his head for the murder despite never mentioning such a thing throughout his time at mental health units.


He was arrested on August 28, 2011, found guilty of Tracy's murder on March 9, 2012, and sentenced to life imprisonment with a 24-year minimum.


Independent investigations company Verita published a report in May 2015 following an independent investigation into the care and treatment of Lee Anstice.


It concluded that the murder of Tracy could have in no way been predicted or prevented.


Intro music:⁣

David John Brady - 'Throw Down the Gauntlet'⁣



My recording equipment:⁣

Shure SM7B Vocal Microphone

Cloud Microphone Cloudlifter CL1

Focusrite Scarlett Solo USB Audio Interface

Rode PSA-1 Professional Studio Boom Arm


Recorded and Edited in:⁣

Hindenberg PRO



Dunstable man jailed for ‘brutal’ murder of his wife. (2012, March 10). ITV News. Retrieved 2 October 2022, from https://www.itv.com/news/anglia/2012-03-10/dunstable-man-jailed-for-brutal-murder-of-his-wife

Flitwick stabbing: family pays tribute to Tracy Anstice. (2011, September 6). BBC News. Retrieved 2 October 2022, from https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-14801244

Howes, L., Hussain, T., & Jefferys, P. (2015, May). Independent investigation into the care and treatment of Mr Z. In Hundred Families. Verita. Retrieved 2 October 2022, from https://www.hundredfamilies.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/LEE_ANSTICE_AUG11.pdf

Lee Anstice. (n.d.). Murder in the Uk. Retrieved 2 October 2022, from https://www.murderuk.com/lee-anstice.html

Lee Anstice denies murder of wife Tracy in Flitwick. (2012, February 21). BBC News. Retrieved 2 October 2022, from https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-17104858

Lee Anstice jailed for wife’s Bedfordshire murder. (2012, March 9). BBC News. Retrieved 2 October 2022, from https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-17317323

Man Jailed For Killing Wife. (2012, March 9). Heart Beds, Bucks & Herts. Retrieved 2 October 2022, from https://www.heart.co.uk/dunstable/news/local/man-jailed-killing-wife/

A review into the care of a man who killed his wife leads to changes in mental health service. (2015, July 22). Witney Gazette. Retrieved 2 October 2022, from https://www.witneygazette.co.uk/news/13489132.review-care-man-killed-wife-leads-changes-mental-health-service/

Stab wife Tracy Anstice ‘terrified’ by husband’s call. (2012, February 21). BBC News. Retrieved 2 October 2022, from https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-17119263

Tracy Anstice murder: No evidence of husband’s violence, report says. (2015, July 22). BBC News. Retrieved 2 October 2022, from https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-33614396