Nov. 18, 2021

S04E07 - Lee James (The Murder of Bijan Ebrahimi)

In the seventh episode of British Murders Season 4, I tell the story of Lee James and Bijan Ebrahimi.⁣⁣⁣
Bijan arrived in the UK as a refugee from Iran in 2000 and settled in South Bristol.⁣
He received horrific abuse, both physical and verbal, from his neighbours at several different housing estates.⁣
On July 13, 2013, Bijan was kicked to death by his neighbour Lee James after incorrectly being branded as a paedophile by the other residents.⁣
Lee James was sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum term of 18 years.⁣
This case is notable for the lack of support Bijan received from both Avon & Somerset Constabulary as well as Bristol City Council.⁣

Intro music:
David John Brady - 'Throw Down the Gauntlet'

My recording equipment:
Shure SM7B Vocal Microphone:
Cloud Microphone Cloudlifter CL1:
Focusrite Scarlett Solo USB Audio Interface:
Rode PSA-1 Professional Studio Boom Arm:

Purchase 'The Serial Killer's Book of Haiku' by Rose Bundy here:

Recorded using:
iPhone XR

Edited in:
DaVinci Resolve 17

Mastered in:


Bijan Ebrahimi death - a timeline of events. (2017, July 5). ITV News. Retrieved November 15, 2021, from

Dearden, L. (2017, December 18). ‘We’re extremely sorry’: Murdered Iranian refugee Bijan Ebrahimi failed by police and council’s “institutional racism.” Independent. Retrieved November 15, 2021, from

Footage of Bijan Ebrahimi shown during police misconduct trial – video. (2015, December 21). The Guardian. Retrieved November 15, 2021, from

Grandison, S. (Director). (2021). Murdered by a Mob: The Killing of Bijan Ebrahimi [TV Movie]. Zeppelin Films, Channel 5 Television.

Grealish, S. (2021, May 19). Who was Bijan Ebrahimi and what happened to him? The Sun. Retrieved November 15, 2021, from

Hayhurst, C. (2016, January 22). Police officer sacked after being convicted of misconduct over vigilante murder of disabled man wrongly labelled a paedophile. Mirror. Retrieved November 15, 2021, from

Morris, S. (2013, November 28). Bijan Ebrahimi: softly spoken brother who suffered horrendous bullying. The Guardian. Retrieved November 15, 2021, from

Mortimer, C. (2016, May 4). Two police officers sacked over murder probe into man killed by vigilante. Independent. Retrieved November 15, 2021, from

Peachey, P. (2013, November 28). A death foretold: Vigilante Lee James’ warning to police days before he murdered disabled man Bijan Ebrahimi after he was wrongly outed as paedophile. Independent. Retrieved November 15, 2021, from

Robehmed, S. (2013, November 3). Bijan Ebrahimi case: Three police officers suspended over failure to help innocent man branded a paedophile, beaten and set on fire. Independent. Retrieved November 15, 2021, from

Safer Bristol Crime, Drugs and Alcohol Partnership, Safer Bristol Executive Board, & McCallum, D. (2017, October). Multi-Agency Learning Review Following The Murder of Bijan Ebrahimi. Safer Bristol Partnership.