Feb. 22, 2024

S12E08 | The Murder of Mary McLaughlin (Partick, Glasgow, 1984)

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S12E08 | The Murder of Mary McLaughlin (Partick, Glasgow, 1984)

In this episode, I tell the story of Mary McLaughlin, a 58-year-old woman killed in Partick, Glasgow, in September 1984.

Mary was last seen in the company of a stranger, a man, on September 26, 1984, after spending the evening in a pub with her friends.

Six days later, her body was found in her home on Laurel Street by Martin Cullen, one of her 11 children, and his then-partner. Somebody had strangled Mary with the cord of her dressing gown.

Thirty-five years would pass before Police Scotland arrested serial sex offender Graham McGill after advances in DNA technology placed him in Mary's flat at the time of her murder.

Judge Lord Burns handed McGill a life sentence with a minimum term of 14 years in May 2021, almost four decades after Mary's murder.

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Intro music:⁣
David John Brady - 'Throw Down the Gauntlet'⁣

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