S11E03 | The Manslaughter of Nicole Lewis (Tuebrook, Merseyside, 2002)

In this episode, I tell the story of Nicole Lewis, a 24-year-old mother-of-two murdered in Tuebrook, Merseyside, on March 5, 2002.
Nicole and her fiancée, Mark Wilkinson, separated in February 2002 after a domestic incident the previous month. Mark had violently shaken Nicole so roughly after an argument that she had marks around her neck.
A month after moving out, Nicole was invited to the couple's home after Wilkinson said he had arranged for a relationship counsellor to visit and talk to them about their problems. That was nothing more than a ruse.
After heading upstairs with Wilkinson, Nicole was strangled to death and placed inside a wardrobe in the front bedroom.
Wilkinson was found guilty of manslaughter, rather than murder, in September 2002 and received a four-year jail sentence, of which he served just 33 months.
**The following are NOT sponsored messages**
If you are experiencing domestic abuse or are concerned that someone you know is, please consider contacting one of the following charities:
Refuge (the largest specialist domestic abuse organisation in the UK): 0808 2000 247
Respect (Men's Advice Line): 0808 801 0327
Galop (a national helpline for LGBT+ victims and survivors of abuse and violence): 0800 999 5428
Women's Aid (a national charity working to end domestic abuse against women and children): helpline@womensaid.org.uk
For those listening who live in Merseyside, like Nicole did, 'Worst Kept Secret' is a Merseyside project established to reduce domestic abuse and enhance support for survivors. Their free, confidential phone line is open Monday to Friday from 3 pm to 6 pm.
Call: 0800 028 3398
Website: worstkeptsecret.org.uk
REMEMBER - If you are in immediate danger, please call 999!
If you have experienced the murder or manslaughter of a loved one or someone you knew, please consider contacting 'Support after Murder and Manslaughter (SAMM)'. They are a UK-based charity providing various peer support services to people bereaved by murder and manslaughter.
Call: 0121 472 2912
Text: 07342 888570
Website: samm.org.uk
Intro music:
David John Brady - 'Throw Down the Gauntlet'
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