June 9, 2022

S06E02 - Rosdeep Adekoya (The Murder of Mikaeel Kular)

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S06E02 - Rosdeep Adekoya (The Murder of Mikaeel Kular)

In the second episode of British Murders Season 6, I tell the tragic story of the murder of Mikaeel Kular.


In January 2014, 3-year-old Mikaeel passed away through the night due to several days' worth of beatings from his mother, Rosdeep Adekoya.


Rather than take Mikaeel to the doctor, Rosdeep kept him at home as she feared the bruises all over his body would raise suspicions.


Initially, Rosdeep told the story that Mikaeel had disappeared through the night and urged the police and public to help her find him.


They had no idea Rosdeep had buried him inside a suitcase in the woods of Fife.


Rosdeep was handed an 11-year jail sentence in August 2014 after being found guilty of culpable homicide and was released from prison in April 2021.


Intro music:⁣

David John Brady - 'Throw Down the Gauntlet'⁣



My recording equipment:⁣

Shure SM7B Vocal Microphone

Cloud Microphone Cloudlifter CL1

Focusrite Scarlett Solo USB Audio Interface

Rode PSA-1 Professional Studio Boom Arm


Recorded in:⁣

Hindenberg PRO


Edited in:⁣

DaVinci Resolve 17⁣



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